What is DUPR?
Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating is the most accurate and only global rating system in Pickleball. All players, regardless of their age, gender, location, or skill, are rated on the same scale between 2.000-8.000 based on their match results.
Who can have a DUPR rating?
DUPR is free and anyone can have a rating. One match result is all it takes to have a DUPR rating, and 5-10 match results is all it takes to have an even more accurate rating. You can claim your account at mydupr.com or by downloading the iOS or Android app.
How is the DUPR rating calculated?
DUPR is a modified Elo algorithm that uses a player’s last 30 (singles) or 60 (doubles) eligible matches. The algorithm considers three factors:
1. Points Won: How many points did you win?
2. Victory: Did you win or lose?
3. Type of Result: Was this a self-posted rec play score, a league match, unsanctioned tournament, or a sanctioned event @Pickles?
Why is DUPR better than other Pickleball Ratings?
In addition to being more accurate, DUPR is the only global rating system in Pickleball that encompasses all of a player’s results and rates all players on the same universal scale regardless of age or gender. DUPR is also the only system that features a Reliability Score, that doubly ensures fair play and no “sandbagging”.
Are recent matches weighted more heavily in my rating?
Yes, there is a weight put on your most recent matches, measured by half life.
What is "Half Life"?
Half life is based on the principle of exponential decay and measures how many matches you’ve played and how recent they are. Here’s how Half Life awards points: players need 3 results in the last 90 days, 6 results in the last 180 days or 12 results in the last 270 days. In other words, the number of results needed to be fully reliable doubles every 90 days.
Is there a Verified DUPR and an Unverified DUPR rating?
No! Players have one DUPR doubles rating and one DUPR singles rating.
Who shares results with DUPR?
We receive results from our partners which include clubs, associations, tournament organizers, federations, and our very own users (self-posted scores).
What if I’m unrated and I play against other unrated players?
That’s okay! You can still have a provisional rating (shown with an asterisk*) and once you or the other players play against someone who does have a DUPR, you will become reliably rated (usually after 5-10 matches). This is called “connectivity” and it’s a beautiful thing.
What is a provisional rating and what makes a rating reliable?
Your DUPR becomes reliable based on your connectivity to other players in the DUPR system and the recency of your results. You may have many results and ample connectivity, but very low recency (indicated by a half-life < 3.0), which would downgrade your rating to "Provisional" status. Conversely, you may have many recent matches but poor connectivity to other DUPR rated players, which would also lead to a Provisional status.
Why did my DUPR go down when I won?
The algorithm has an EV (expected value) of performance in every match that you play. In a certain match, if the EV is that you win 11-5, 11-5 but you win 11-9, 11-9, it’s conceivable that your DUPR may go down. However, DUPR also looks at the performance of all players in the pool. For example, if the opponent against whom you just won 11-9, 11-9 performs equally well if not better in their subsequent matches, consistently beating the algorithm’s EV, their DUPR will increase but yours may not be as affected. Your opponent is obviously improving, and the algorithm “sees” that.
Can my DUPR change even though I haven’t been playing?
Absolutely. Just because you’ve stopped playing doesn’t mean the broader “pool” of players has stopped. For example, if you outperform the EV of the algorithm against a player and then she proceeds to also outperform the EV of the algorithm in her subsequent matches, you would benefit from her performance–even if you had stopped playing.
I play tournaments, but I don't see any of my results on my profile?
This means you probably created a new account instead of "claiming your profile" from our existing data and we need to merge your new account with our existing account. We call this a "merge request". Simply email support@mydupr.com with your full name, your preferred name and any other nicknames you may be listed under. Merges typically take 24-48 hours to complete.
What is the minimum number of points needed for a result to count for DUPR?
One player must score six points for a match to count towards DUPR, i.e. 3-6 or 6-0.
Which matches do not count towards my DUPR?
Matches where partners are rated with a difference greater than 1.500 - For example, if a 6.000 rated player partners with a 4.000 rated player, the match would be excluded
Matches wherein opponents have a rating difference greater than 0.625 - For example if two 6.000 rated players play against two 5.000 rated players, the match would also be excluded.
Matches where neither player/team reaches at least six points are also excluded. - Excluded matches will still show up on player profiles but will not be reflected in a player’s DUPR rating.
· Why don’t my matches count towards my ratings if my rating differs from my opponents by 0.625 or more?
This rule allows the algorithm to look at more impactful matches by ignoring expected blowouts. Even if an upset win is outside 0.625 at the time the match is recorded, it will be counted once the rating difference between players shrinks to less than 0.625.
What is the DUPR Reliability Score?
The Reliability Score is a totally unique and game-changing component of the DUPR algorithm that increases as a player:
Enters more DUPR results
Plays with different partners
Plays against different opponents
Plays in DUPR certified leagues/tournaments
Some matches count more towards a player’s DUPR rating and also contribute more to a player’s Reliability Score:
Verified DUPR Events @Pickles
How do I delete a match?
Self Posted Matches:
For Validated matches: If a user submits a match deletion request, all players in the match are emailed about the request. At least one of the requestor's opponents must confirm that the match should be deleted, after which we will delete the match.
For Pending Matches: Users can delete any pending match in app.
· Tournament Matches: Contact your tournament organizer and make sure they posted the correct scores.
How long does it take for ratings to update?
Ratings are updated every week, usually on Tuesday. Our team is hard at work, and we’ll be moving back to instantaneous rating updates very soon. In the meantime, keep an eye out for your updated rating early next week.
How long does it take for events to be added to DUPR?
Results from new events are added to DUPR every week, usually on Tuesday.
How do I log a match with players who are not DUPR users?
Luckily, it's easy to invite your partner and opponents to DUPR during the "Add a Match" Process simply by adding their email address. Check to see if they simply need to "Claim Account" before they create a new one. All players must be registered with DUPR for matches to affect ratings on our platform. This is essential to ensuring the accuracy and integrity of DUPR ratings.